Saturday, June 2, 2007

March 2007/Matching luncheon

Now that we were in the "Matching Room", my sisters and Cori decided we needed to celebrate..girlfriend style. So, they threw me the cutest luncheon ever!!! The theme was "The Matching Room"...I didn't really know what that meant, until I got there. Everyone bought little gifts that matched in one way or another. For example, one gift was a tank top and flip flops for me with a little tank top and flip flops for our baby girl so we could match. My girlfriend Lezlie bought sweatshirts for the boys with a pink one to match for their little sister. There was also a beautiful dress that's blue with white pok-a-dots and a pink bow with two matching ties for the boys. It was all so thoughtful and adorable. I love it and I love my sisters and my girlfriends. Without each and everyone of them I would have lost my mind by now.
Thank you all so much.


Anonymous said...

That was such a great day! Everyone looks so pretty and I loved all of you gifts

Mary Schneider said...

It was a fun day.