Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Out of our heads...into our hearts, PLEASE!!!

So the other day Doug and I ordered a new camcorder. Today I received an email containig a TRACKING number for said camcorder. A tracking number...for our CAMCORDER!!!! I had to laugh. The good people at Sanyo have big enough hearts to assign a tracking number to our package so that we can have PEACE OF MIND in knowing exactly where our new video device is at any given moment of the day.

But our referral? Our child? Where is she? Apparently, we aren't entitled to that information. It's none of our business. China remains silent.

If this delay was in fact due to a pandemic, I could accept it. But it's not. It's due to fear. The provincial leaders in China are taking extreme measures to ensure that their province does not have an outbreak. Not because they are concerned about people, but because they are concerned about themselves and the rammifications that would be placed upon them by the governmental powers of China if such an outbreak occured. As a result, children (including our child) will sit in orphanges without knowing the love of their family and parents will have to continue to wait to meet and hold the child they have dream of for so many years. All because of fear....fear of man. And that, makes me angry!!

THIS "SYSTEM" IS BROKEN!!! My mood today....not very attractive!!!!


Leigh said...

You have a right to be angry! This sucks! Soooo sorry this is happening! Wish there was something to say or do to make you feel better:(

Big Hugs!

S.Wise said...

It is a blue blue day... I just got your email. Will respond pronto!! Let's get tight fitting body suits and do some mission impossible moves! Ha. Ok. I'm dorky and punchy today. I guess the picture on my blog proves that.

Terri said...

I excited to at least hear about the new camcorder.

Mardi said...

Go to my blog...Things are looking up and I pray this means they are for you too. Oh do I pray...

Suz said...

Hang in there, I can't even begin to imagine how much this sucks for you. In the meantime, I am on the edge of my seat to know where your new and savy electronic device is located tonight. Lots of hugs to you my friend, here's hoping a new day brings better news!

Mary Schneider said...

For those of you who have don't have a link to Mardi's blog, she posted today that her consulate appointment was confirmed and she was able to purchase her tickets to China. She leaves June 2nd!!!

S.Wise said...

Good news about Mardi!!! There's hope!!! :)

Kayce said...

Angry right along with you!! But the camcorder gives me laughs!! I'll take a tracking number on referrals please. PLEASE!! So exciting regarding Mardi and Dan!!!