Friday, July 11, 2008

July 2008 Referrals!

I've been out of town and slightly out of touch! We headed up to Flagstaff for a few days and while we were away, referrals came in. This batch matched families with log in dates of January 21- January 25th of 2006. A 5 day batch. It may not be much, but it is a step closer! There are now 44 days left to be matched before we see a referral. We are included in day 44!

Congratulations to all the families who are seeing their child's face for the first time!!!


A Yi Norah said...

I can't believe their are "only" 44 more referral days. We have counted down so many days it's great to be this close. I am hopeful that things will stay within the average of 6.1 days or get better.

Anonymous said...

wow, it's been 3 years and now it seems you are finally coming closer towards the end. That's one heck of a long "pregnancy"