Saturday, July 19, 2008

Fear, Sadness, Anger....and Tears

I just received the following email from my agency. They "kindly" sent it to all of their waiting families on Friday night and then closed the office for the weekend so as not to be available to answer any of our questions....and believe me there are many.

Why? Why? Why? How much change, pain and uncertainty can we be asked to endure????

On July 9th, 2008 CHI was reviewed by COA for our Hague accreditation. Yesterday, July 17, 2008 we were informed by COA that our Hague application has been denied. Our denial was based on being non-compliant in one state where we are licensed. This was not brought to our attention until last week after the Hague review was already underway. We are currently working to resolve this issue and will be requesting from COA re-consideration to our approval.

Specific information on how this affects you - or if it will affect you will be coming in the near future from your specific program.

We are going forward in the faith that this will soon be resolved. We are committed to you and your adoption.

Thank you for your patience and prayers during this time.”
Dwyatt Gantt


Kayce said...

You know my thoughts on this. I'm just as sick as you, especially since we are so close.

Stephanie said...

wanna go to kick boxing class? i'm feeling the need to RELEASE!!!!!!!!!!!

Margaret said...

Oh Mary I am so sorry for what you're going through! I can't believe that some silly rule change would come in the way of uniting babies with the families who so desperately want to love and care for them! I'm hoping your agency can get this issue resolved so you can get back to optimistically waiting!

Love, Margaret

Anonymous said...

We are thinking of you and hope we will still be able to hold our sugarplum by the end of the year

Cecilia Anderson said...

It's just incredible to me that the Hague governing agency would put the mistakes of two individuals ahead of the needs of thousands of babies whose families are ready and waiting to love them. I will be praying for justice and compassion to win in the end and for you to be holding your baby girl very soon.

Love, Cecilia