Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Our 16th Month LID Anniversary!

Today marks the 16th month anniversary of our LID (log in date). I could go for a glass of champagne...or a whole bottle for that matter!
July also marks the TWO YEAR anniversary of the start of our adoption journey! If we knew then what we know now we'd be......well, we'd be right here waiting for our sugarplum just like we are! So, I guess things are as they should be. Someday soon this wait will be a faint memory! We love you baby girl...we'll be coming soon!

1 comment:

A Yi Norah said...

Am I suppose to say "happy Anniversary"? How about a "Very Merry Unhappy Anniversary"? I so many ways it feels like 2 years and in others ways the time has gone by so fast. I think about her every day! She is going to have a big family to love.