Saturday, July 7, 2007

My Pop Pop is gone

On June 18, 2007 my Pop Pop fell asleep in death. He was 82 years old. He was the only Grandfather I had ever known. He has been in my life for 35 years and will be deeply missed. I am his first granddaughter. I am grateful for that for many reasons, not the least of which is the fact that he was able to meet two of my children. Although my daughter will not have the privilege of knowing her great-grandfather, my boys do. Jacob can vividly remember Pop Pop taking him bowling and Benjamin remembers him as well.

My grandparent's have lived on the Eastern side of the United States most of my life, and we have lived on the West. However, they have managed to maintain a close relationship with myself and all of my brothers and sisters throughout our lives. The photo below was taken at my brother Dennis's High School graduation party (my Mother is in the middle). This was just one of their many journeys out West.

Once my Grandfather learned of our intentions to adopt, he took a vested interest. I can remember him and my Grandmother standing in my kitchen asking all kinds of questions about our adoptions process. After answering all of his questions, I received a smile of approval from him, and my Grandmother received a personal viewing of "China's Lost Girls".

I am deeply saddened that he will not be here to watch us complete our adoption journey. I am equally saddened for my cousins (who were so close to him), whose children he will never have the privilege of meeting.

I could create an entire blog to dedicate to him, but for now I will just let the world know (and my daughter) that my Pop Pop will be missed.

Thank you, Pop Pop, for loving us all unconditionally!! You are one of the bravest men I have ever known!


Cecilia Anderson said...

Hi Mary,

Well, our internet is FIANLLY working in our new house and now I can read your blog! I wasn't expecting to see the post about Pop-pop and it made me sad. It's true that one of my biggest regrets about his passing is that he will never meet my kids. He loves kids so much, and now he will never play with mine. It mkaes me wish I had gotten started much sooner on this whole baby thing, but I know that until now it hasn't been the right time for me.

Anyway, I'm glad to get caught up on your baby saga. You've been through such a long wait already- our IVF will be practically a flash in the pan compared to yours!

Love, Cecilia

Mary Schneider said...

It's so exciting to hear from you! I love when people leave comments. Be sure to keep us updated on your IVF. We are so excited for you. You've waited so long! Hopefully we will be welcoming home our babies around the same time.
Sorry this post made you sad. I had to document it.
Be sure to check in from time to time.

A Yi Norah said...

Mary, thank you for going back to Tenn. with me. It was very hard to be there but the right place to be. It felt good to have so much family around at a time like that. Pop-pop will be missed.

Cori said...

We were very sorry about your grandpa. I know it must have been a comfort to him and your grandma and the rest of your family that you and Norah were there. Cori