Monday, August 11, 2008

First day of school for the boys...and me!

Today was the first day of school for Jacob and Benjamin. Jacob is in 6th grade and Benji is in 4th (boo hoo)! I don't remember telling them they could grow up so fast. I'm actually joining the boys at school this year. I'm going to be working there as a teacher's aid 2 1/2 days a week. Surprisingly enough, the boys are very excited about it. I asked Jacob before I accepted the job whether or not he cared if his mom worked at the school. He response, "Why would I care?" To which I said, "Because I'll be at your school during the day, working with some of your classmates and everyone knows I'm your mom." Jacobs response, "So...I think it's cool, now I can see you whenever I want." Alrighty then! Had my mom asked me the same question at his age my response would have been a resounding, "H%*L NO!!" I guess Jacob is just a nicer person than me. Benjamin is excited as well, but that didn't surprise me in the least.

Anyway, summer is over (well, at least the break is)! It's back to a routine and a schedule...GROSS!

The picture above isn't very good because I took it off my cell phone. I'm back to not having a camera. Sorry about the Olympic theme song....I'll change it later!


Stephanie said...

I love that your boys want to have you around them! You must be one AWESOME mom!

Mardi said...

wow, their little gentleman now! I feel like I've watched them grow up! It's been two+ years now! ;)

Your boy's comments must have felt so good! It's awesome you have such a close relationship!

Kayce said...

OMG! I can't believe I didn't see this post! Too funny!! So cool that our boys love us so. We must be pretty cool. ;)

So are you enjoying being at school with them? I'm praying that my Jake doesn't decide it's bad to have me at school once I start.