Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Bye Bye Bird's Nest

Well, the Olympics have officially come and gone. We have really enjoyed tuning in each evening and catching some of the events. The boys have become little Olympic addicts. I, of course, have mostly just enjoyed all the coverage of China. It's been so nice to turn on the TV, almost anytime of the day, and hear talk of China. For that, I will miss the Olympics. There is, however, another side of me that is excited to see it all end. Although I don't personally believe the hosting of the games in China has had anything to do with the "slowdown", I feel peace of mind in knowing that soon things will return to "business as usual" in Beijing. I don't expect some big speed up, I just desire to see them continue to move forward with their 6/5 day average. Knowing that the Olympics are behind them makes me feel all the more confident that they will do just that.

Other than that, life is moving right along. The boys are doing great in school and I am really enjoying my work there. It's been a busy couple of weeks, but that's OK. I love it when time flies...well, kind of. Jacob will be turning 12 on Friday...I'm not loving that so much! He's a great kid and I love watching him grow, but 12..really?! That's 1 year away from 13!! Where did that time go?!

I went ahead and took the Olympic theme song off the blog....I know you're all going to miss it, but the games are over and it's time for us all to move on. (tee hee) I've added a Sheryl Crow song for now. Since everyday that passes is shortening this winding road to our baby girl, I thought this one would be fitting. Benji has been begging me to put Sheryl Crow on the blog, so he'll be thrilled!


My crazy crazy life said...

Awwww, your song is making me all nostalgic for the kids and them growing up. I'm anxious to hear when the next batch comes out and how many days. I think that'll be a huge sign of things to come. Keep us posted!

Kayce said...

I know just what you mean about the Olympics! Last night we were all bored out of our minds!

Glad to hear you're liking your new job, I am too. Also nice to hear the boys are loving school. Happy Early birthday to Jacob!

S.Wise said...

We loved watching the olympics. It was sort of sad to see it all end. BUT... now I am just ready to see a batch of referrals. :)

Mardi said...

I'm missing the Olympics too! What an amazing two weeks that was! Just think we will be there soon! wow! When al the fireworks were going off, I wondered, hmmm..are they startling my baby girl?

I'm free on Thursday's for lunch if you're ever open. Maybe Terri could join us, I haven't seen her forever!