Monday, February 9, 2009

While we wait....

OK, I'm starting to loose my grip on staying calm and not obsessing about when the next batch of referrals will arrive and how many days it will cover. It's not a good thing because it's only February 9th and we probably won't see referrals until the first week in March!!! It's doesn't help that when I look on Rumor Queen to see if there's even a "buzz" starting about the next batch I have to read stuff like this....

Rumor Queen post:

I reported on January 15th that the “the general atmosphere at CCAA is better than it has been in a long time, and that there is hope that things may not be so dismal in the near future”. I also reported this was coming from multiple places, and that while we’ve had these kinds of rumors before, it somehow feels different this time.
I still get an email or PM every two or three days from someone else who has talked with someone who has contact with the CCAA and this is again reported in some manner.

Her post went on and on... It makes me want to scream, "STOP MESSING WITH MY HEAD!!!"

I'm not alone in feeling this way. Most of the people that I've talked to who are in the China program are wondering what these rumors are all about and why there out there. You could spend all day trying to figure it out, searching blogs, checking for email updates.....but, what we really need to do is distract ourselves.

So, here's my advice (and the real reason I'm posting today)....get on a Segway and take a tour of your local zoo. Doug and I did this for the second time this weekend and had a blast...again. This time we went with our friends JB and Leigh and their son Tyler (who was a total riot on his Segway). Last time we went with my sister Sarah and her husband Cody (who is equally as funny as Tyler, but a lot more dangerous). These things are so much fun it's ridiculous. It's a little awkward when you first get on them, but after a while you get really comfortable.
If there was a Segway gang in Phoenix...I would join it. I'm even thinking about starting my own Segway gang! Seriously...these things are fun!

To our dear baby girl:

We are thinking about you constantly....even when we're riding Segways around the zoo. It won't be long before you and I visit the zoo together. I'll be so happy to be there with you that it won't even bother me to have to WALK instead of ride on a Segway. I love you THAT much!


Kayce said...

I'm gonna stay FAR away from RQ this month! It looks like you guys are having fun while you're waiting though. I've always wanted to try those things! Your baby girl will soon be here and you'll be chasing her all around the zoo. Hugs and lots of good thoughts for referrals.

Leigh said...

I will definately join your Segway gang! I will goto the zoo with you and sugarplum too... only I'll be cruising a segway. Sorry I can't go back to walking the zoo after I've "Segwayed" it. I just can't! Again, I'm sorry. Here's to the shortest February ever...

Mary Schneider said...

Hey Leigh, do you think they would let me Segway the zoo with her in a Baby Bjorn or a wrap or something?! I seriously don't know if I can ever walk the zoo again either!!

My crazy crazy life said...

If you put your baby in a bjorn and segway at the zoo, I'm calling CPS! HA! You guys look AWESOME! I wanna do that. Mary, I cannot wait till little baby girl gets here and we can do the zoo again. I keep having kids just so my kids will be the same age as her and we can go to the zoo. You better get her quick because I'm not goig to get pregnant again darnnit...I'm NOT!!!

S.Wise said...

What were you talking about? You don't look like a dork on the Segway! How much fun!!! I saw people riding those things around Angel Island in SFO and it looked like a blast!!

Anonymous said...

Baby Bjorn is SOOOO 5 years ago! Just think your membership is ready and waiting for that 3rd child to join your clan. In the mean time, you'll have to have "loaners" like you always do! I would join your Segway Gang, too. I think our name should be the Phoenix Segway Sugar Asses!

Anonymous said...

She better be here ASAP. I choose to believe all the rumors. I cancelled my Hawaii trip for our little baby doll...(and the D.C.) but I would even miss that if I could hold her right now!

Anonymous said...

Can i just say (and believe me I've never said this before) but Doug looks HOT on the Segway!

Mardi said...

OMG!! I've got to get to the zoo now! hey, I'll join your segway gang too! :)

Also, I love your sweet note to your baby girl. :)