Monday, February 2, 2009

March is being matched & Boo Boos is growing up!

Last week (actually it was the week before last) referrals came in and March 2006 families officially began to be matched! There were rumors leading up to the arrival of the referrals that this could possibly be the first large batch we've seen in a while. Rumors that the CCAA has been unusually busy and very excited about their work. Some felt it was due an increase of children's files being given to the CCAA from the various Social Wellfare Institutes, possibly due to the recent increase in the mandatory donation. Some felt it had to do with the Olympics being far enough behind us. It was interesting to read all these rumors and wonder what this might mean for us personally. Some even felt that this might be the first "double digit" (or 10 day) batch we have seen in years. What?! The first 10 day batch?! That would mean that we would receiving our NOW! I laughed about it all, not believing a word of it and yet wondering constantly whether or not there could be even an ounce of truth to any of it. Then they came in and it turned out to be a TWO day batch. March 1st and 2nd! I laughed...some more. Not that's there anything funny about a two day batch, but what else are you going to do?! Our agency received referrals with this batch since we had families logged in on the 2nd, so that was exciting. I love seeing people post their referrals announcements and seeing all the precious little baby's faces! The next batch of referrals will start with the March 3rd families and move forward. Our agency doesn't have people logged in again until March 7th and then again on March 10th....THAT'S US! So, feel free to keep your fingers and toes crossed for an 8 day batch!!! Could you imagine?! OMG! There's only 8 LID days left to match to get to us. I CAN NOT BELIEVE WE HAVE COME THIS FAR!! I will have knots in my stomach with the arrival of the next few batches...the ancitipation and excitement is hard to explain. The next batch of referrals will most likely not arrive until the first of March, so I have some time to just enjoy life and not be a nervous wreck. But, it's going to be wild ride from here on out!
March is going to be an exciting month for us. We will move ever closer to seeing our baby's face for the first time, we will celebrate our 3 year LID anniversary (this time without tears, just pure excitement) and Doug and I will have our 15 YEAR wedding anniversary! Woo hoo!

I can not leave this post without mentioning that, on January 25th, my Benjamin turned 10!!! He was so proud of the fact that he had made it to the double digits that he was telling everyone. He's really growing up fast. He's only 2 1/2 inches shorter than Jacob...there's a good chance he's going to be taller than him by the end of the year. Benjamin is such a loving child. He gives me more unsolicited hugs and kisses than any mom could hope for. He loves his friends and family so much and everyone just loves him back! How could you not?! He absolutely can not wait to be a big brother to his little sister. He talks about her more than I do. I know he will give her such sweet love.

"We love you Benjamin and are so, so, so proud of you. You make us smile everyday. You truly are a gift to us and all of those who have you in their life."


Anonymous said...

This is a lovely post. Benjamin looks so happy - he has a wonderful family.

I have to admit, I've been checking your blog every day this year, all excited that it could be any day!



S.Wise said...

Benjamin is soooo cute!

My crazy crazy life said...

Mary, can it be???? One more month???? I can't believe it...and Benji is soooo cute in that picture...he really is such a sweet boy! Both him and Jacob are going to be awesome big brothers. I'm really excited for you guys. I can't believe that we might see her for sure before summer hits....this is going to be one summer to remember!

Kayce said...

Happy 10 to Benjamin!!! I can't wait for you guys to get your referral, it will be so exciting!!!

Anonymous said...

I HATE FEBRUARY (not the 25th, but the rest of the month)...good thing it's a short month because it's already taking FOREVER....March can't come soom enough! Love the new music. Im already thinking of all the great music from every baby movie I've seen to add to your blog when you get the referral... How about the song from She's Having a Baby (wait, no, that one's sad, but with Kevin Bacon as the daddy, it was the first one I thought of)

Anonymous said...

I LOVE BENJI!!! Benji, you are such a sweet cousin and love babies so much that I just know you are going to be the best big brother a little baby girl could ask for. Cant wait!

Leigh said...

I am so excited for you guys! You have waited soooooo long. I can't wait to see your sweet baby girls face. I mean - I CAN'T WAIT! I don't know how you are containing yourself....

Benji is 10??? I remember you being pregnant with Benji and adorable by the way. I also remember holding him as a little baby.... WOW!

It's going to be so awesome to see your family complete! like I said: I CAN'T WAIT!

Margaret said...

I can't believe how close you are Mary! I've been following your blog for so long and it's sad to think I've been through a pregnancy and the first year of Anthony's life while you're still waiting. Your little girl is so lucky to have a loving family like you all waiting for her. I can't wait to see her picture.

And you have to explain the nickname Boo Boos!

Love, Margaret

Mary Schneider said...


I think the Boo boos nickname started with Jacob. He use to call Benjamin his "yittle Benji boos" when they were babies. We thought that was adorable because Jacob isn't one to use nicknames...ever. One thing lead to another and now Benjamin goes by Benji, Benji boos, Boo boos, Boos. He doesn't even flinch when I use any of those nicknames...not even in front of his friends. He's such a funny boy. I think he secretly loves it and probably always will.

Love ya,