Thursday, June 5, 2008

Snakes, snails and puppy dog tails!

I swear I have got to get a camera. My camera is "missing"! Jacob took it in the backyard a few weeks ago to make videos of himself and his friends jumping on the trampoline and wouldn't you know's now gone. So, I have no pictures of my own to post, but if I did, today would have been a true Kodak day!

It's my cleaning day....I took me double the time it normally takes me because the boys are home and I was cleaning and talking on the phone most of the day (I LOVED talking to you today, Stephanie....sooooo excited). Anyway, here's how the day went.....

I kicked the boys out of the living room so I could mop the floors. I went down to my room for what felt like 30 seconds and when I came back down the hallway they had these two giant cardboard boxes from the garage sitting on their area rug (which I had just vacuumed) and they where making "secret hideouts" out of them. No big deal, except they didn't bother to knock all the leaves and junk off the bottom of them before they put them on the rug, so needless to say I had to bust the vacuum out again (this time they did the vacuuming). But, you should have seen how funny they looked sitting in their "hideouts" playing their Game cube. After a while I sent them outside to play.

The next thing I know I look out the front window and what do I see??? The boys had this broken scooter thing (it runs on batteries, has a seat and looks like a Lark) that my Dad brought over yesterday bunji corded to a bike. Jacob was peddling the bike and pulling Benji down the street on the scooter. It looked like something strait out of Napoleon Dynamite. I was dying laughing. It looked a little dangerous, but they were having fun. Fast forward two comes Jacob carrying Benji with scraped up knees. He had apparently hit the brakes on the bike and the scooter went crashing into it.....bit shocker there!

After I nursed Benji's knees back to "working order" (he acted like he couldn't even hop let alone walk) I went back to my cleaning. I walked into the boys room to put away some folded laundry and feel something squish between my toes. I froze...said a quick prayer..and looked down to see what in the world I could have just stepped on. It was one of the many, many, many caterpillars Jacob had collected a few days ago. He had them in this bug collector thing that was supposed to be in the backyard. Apparently since it "got windy the other night" and he was afraid something would happen to them he moved them inside. Yeah something happened.....THEY GOT OUT!!!

Then I went to fridge to get myself something to drink (just water, in case you're wondering). I opened the freezer to get out some ice and found not one but two exploded cans of Coke inside. "Jacob" I yelled at the top of my lungs. He comes barreling out of his room where both him and Benjamin where frantically "cleaning up" the caterpillars. I held open the freezer door and just pointed at the mess. "Oh yeah...I put those in there last night so Benji and I could make slushies".

Seriously, I think this going to be a long summer. Doug came home a few minutes later and got them out of my hair. They went to the store to get a new battery for the scooter thing....more injuries to come I'm sure! Give me strength!


Kayce said...

ME OH MY!! I love kids! Really I do. Their imaginations are so fun! I'll be saying extra prayers for you this summer. ;)

Mardi said...

Oh my gosh Mary! :) The Napolean Dynamite image had me laughing, but I'm sorry your day was so crazy!!

Hang in there! :)

Stephanie said...

I read this before and commented... I thought! Apparently it didn't post!

I totally cracked up when I read this post! Come on...jump on the train! You can learn to braid!!! :)

My crazy crazy life said...

Mary, reading your blog about your day cleaning and with the boys makes me smile and think of the good ole days with our "little ones". They aren't so little anymore...well mine are still little but it makes me realize how strong a person you are. You handle so much with such a forgiving heart. That's what I love about you! I probably would have thrown my hands up to the whole thing but instead, what do you do??? You blog about it! I read it and I can't help but think "we will miss these days". So when my day is exhausting and crazy, I will just log on and read how your day went and think about how great it was that Luke broke another glass or Gavin brought in 3 more bugs or Sydney screamed at me and locked herself in her room. You make me realize how much I will miss this when it's gone. Thanks again for being there and you didn't even realize it!