Sunday, November 30, 2008

Our four day weekend

Well, our four day weekend is slowly coming to an end. We've had a great couple of days. The weather has been awesome...we even got a little rain which is always exciting. We've been sleeping in, playing football, golfing, hiking, running, shopping...we even went to the Wild Animal Park with our friends. Lots of fun! Doug braved Walmart on "Black Friday" and bought me a new camera. I've been without a camera (courtesy of Jacob...don't ask) for months now, so I was pretty excited to be able to take pictures again.

It's days like the ones we just had when we are all home, relaxing, doing things together that I think about our sugarplum non-stop. We spent a lot of time talking about her this weekend, which felt great. She's so much a part of our life already. In fact, sometimes it feels like she's already here. It's the strangest thing. I swear, I feel like I could walk in the living room right now and see her sitting on Doug's lap while he's watching football. I wish so badly that was the case. As we enter the last few months of our wait, she is on the other side of the world experiencing the first few months of her life. The four of us are together, enjoying our life. Feeling so much joy and excitement as we prepare to bring her home. We have each other to hug and hold, play with, laugh with, eat with...just be with. Our little girl, on the other hand, is experiencing a much different reality. In the months ahead she will experience so much emptiness, loneliness and fear. She will have to suffer through the horrible loss of her birth parents. She will go from the warmth and safety of her birth mom's womb to the harsh, cold world of orphanage life. I hope and pray that someone, whether it be a nanny or a foster parent...or anyone, takes the time to hold her and tell her that she is loved and wanted. I hope they tell her that everything is going to be OK, and that we are coming for her. I hope that somehow, in depths of her sweet little soul, she can feel the love that we have for her. I hope, I hope, I hope....

I also hope that everyone had as nice a weekend as we did! And, I also hope that referrals come in soon....and I hope that it's a "big" batch!


My crazy crazy life said...

OMG, girl, you got me crying. I know that sugarplum's days might be filled with loss or sadness, BUT, once you get her, the amount of love you guys are going to show her, those days will be behind her and probably long forgotten! Hang in there....SOOOO CLOSE!

Suz said...

Here's to a big batch this month!! I love your outlook on it all, especially this time of year. Here's to the girls being home soon! Have a great week! And the Gingerbread panckaes were tasty, I might have to post the recipe!! We should have a January CHI March 06 lunch to celebrate all the will come in 2009!

Kayce said...

Your post could have been my own! We too spent the weekend talking about the future and just plain spending time together. You guys are so close!!!

Love that super cute picture of you and Doug!

Anonymous said...

I just watched a new Bringing Home Baby on TLC that had a family getting their daughter from China and bringing her home, Her name was Sarah and smiled non-stop. She transitioned to her new home so nicely and just seemed so happy with her new surrounding. The whole time I could just picture Doug holding his little girl, like the dad on the show and sleeping on a chair with her. She will be so fortunate to have such a loving and caring mom and dad (and brothers).

Cecilia Anderson said...

Sounds like a great weekend, and very soon you'll have your sugarplum to share all the good times. I just hope you're ready for all those diapers again!

Love, Cecilia

S.Wise said...

I am so behind Mary. I'm glad you had a good time with your family... and I wish the same things for my baby girl. I too wish I could convey they she is not alone...that she is wanted and so very loved. Soon...

I'm sorry I haven't called yet. My sister in law is here until Sunday and I will be free on Monday to call. I just don't seem to have a minute to breathe. Just wanted to let you know. :)

My crazy crazy life said...

Hey chica, I tagged you! Go my blog and read the better do it!!!