Saturday, November 1, 2008

Did I mention the 1/2 marathon?

Have I mentioned that I've decided to train for a half marathon? It's January 18th, and today marked my first official week of training. I've been conditioning myself for the past month or so to build up my endurance for the 12 week training schedule I'm going to follow (you have to be able to run about 3 miles without having to walk...I'm at around 3 1/2 to 4). It's going to be a huge commitment for me to train for this, but I'm so determined to do this.....I've even cut out alcohol until after the marathon (about 5 seconds after).

So how did my first week of training go? Well, I'll tell you. I haven't been able to run ONCE this week. Wanna know why? Because my freaking ankles has been swollen since last Saturday when I went jogging with the boys (they road their bikes). Why is my ankle swollen (and my shins killing me)? Because I have a pronation problem with my feet. I discovered this last year when I first starting running and my knees swelled up and wouldn't go back down. Two trips to the orthopedic, a pair of custom orthodics ($$), new running shoes (more $$) and more ice packs than I care to mention and all seemed well. I was back running and with no swelling! I ran my first 8K ever and decided then that, after summer (It's too hot for me to run in the summer), I was going to train for the half. So, I started running again a few weeks ago. All was going well when, rather unexpectedly, my ankles went south. Back to the orthopedic. Same diagnosis as the first 2 times ("you're pronated...probably shouldn't run, but since your going to anyway I recommend new running shoes, plenty of stretching, some strength training and possibly physical therapy....(oh yeah) and a cortisone shot"). I passed on the cortisone shot. Something about a needle going into my ankle wasn't appealing to me....AT ALL!

So, I just purchased my newest pair of running shoes. Say hello to my new Brooks, Adrenaline GTS 8's. I really, truly hope these do the trick. I already feel like I've worked so hard for this. I really want to be able to do it. It's such a stress reliever for me and I feel so good about myself after I complete a run. Especially when I want so badly to quick a mile or two into it and I push myself to keep going!!

I have to get this swelling to go down. I need to be able to start running again in the next few days or I am going to fall way too far behind on my training.

Anyway, that's my running saga. I'm excited about the new shoes and hope I can break them in soon.....real soon!!


Kayce said...

Very cool Mary, I hope the swelling goes away and the next 12 weeks are pain free. Thinking good thoughts for you. I could NEVER run 12 miles, let alone 3. I'll walk forever but never run, you're my hero! :)

Cecilia Anderson said...

Wow - we loved having two stories from you this weekend! Glad the doctors aren't getting to you. I used to run and people have all kinds of things that doctors warn them about, but we all find our gait and a way to run. All it takes is what you already have - determination!


Terri said...

Good Job! I will be there cheering you on!

Mardi said...

Hey! Glad to hear you are doing the P.F! You just gave me new incentive to keep training. I have secretly planned to run it, however, I have been on/off on the idea. I'm running the Turkey Trot 5K on Thanksgiving to get in the swing of things.

I hope you like your shoes!!

Let's plan a run together!

Mary Schneider said...


Where's the Turnkey Trot?! I would love to run it with you. How fun would that be??!!

Why am I asking you questions on MY blog. I'll email you.

S.Wise said...

Good for you! I'm with Kayce. Running in a marathon would be hard for me! You and Mardi are rock stars!!!

A Yi Norah said...

I'll be at the finish line with your Margi ready! Good for you. If you can get up at 5am you can come work out with Kami and I. I can't run with you since I have the same ankle trouble but haven't purchase the $$ shoes yet.

Cecilia Anderson said...

Good for you, Mary! I hope you find a way to manage that swelling. Have fun!

Love, Cecilia

Suz said...

Wave to me from the front. I had a brilliant idea to train for this too. What a great way to pass the time to referrals I thought! Ha! I am too fat and too lazy, but am still training nonetheless. I actually ran/walked 8 miles this weekend without dropping over dead, maybe there is hope yet. China better hurry and get to March before I totally lose my mind and decide I need to train for a triathalon! (I am running my first 5K this weekend in my undies:)

Jaime and Jen DISH said...

Okay, so I'm supposed to "walk" this thing but I'm starting to chicken out. With Scott's leg jacked, I haven't been able to leave any the baby with him and run a marathon. Let's run a couple of marathons together before the big day...what do ya say????