Friday, October 5, 2007

The best possible outcome

Jacque was successfully transported to the new hospital late last night. We just heard the news....appendix out, baby IN!! Cori and I were able to talk to Jacque three way...she doing great. Her OB was there with her through the whole surgery monitoring the baby. He tolerated everything just fine. Dan is on a plane and will be home tomorrow morning. Candace (Jacque's mom) is also on a plane and will be by Jacque's side by this afternoon.

We are all so relieved to know that things went as well as they did. It is also nice that baby will be able to be carried to term and his father will be there when he's born!!


Gotta run the boys to school now!


Cecilia Anderson said...

Wow, what nightmare you've all been through. But how amazing that the doctor could perform the appendectomy underneath an 8-month pregnancy- medical science is truly wonderful. I'm so glad everything worked out for your sister-in-law in the end, and that her husband will be with her when the baby comes.

Bonnie Seay said...

Hi Mary!!
I FINALLY got the information from Sallie to view your blog. This is the first one I've ever seen. I love the picture of you and Benji posted 7/30/07. It is great that you are staying busy and focused. I'm hoping for you that time passes quickly and your wish for a baby girl is granted. You have the perfect little family all ready for her when she arrives!! XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXO

A Yi Norah said...

Jacque will have some story to tell this baby when he is older. Do they have any news on when she will be able to go home?