Monday, May 18, 2009

And the wait goes on....

Today marks the start of yet another week of waiting. We still don't know what exactly is going on with the referrals. Our agency did speak with the CCAA and they were told that the referrals "are not being held" due to the Swine Flu. They weren't told why they haven't been mailed or when they will be mailed. The fact that the CCAA says that the referrals aren't being held due to the Swine Flu doesn't actually mean that they aren't being held due to the Swine just means that they are saying that they aren't being held due to the Swine Flu. Does that makes sense?! I, for one, believe the they are holding them.

There is always the possibility that it is just taking the CCAA longer to do the matching this month. At least, that's one of the rumors floating around. I doubt it's true, but it's possible. There's not a whole lot to rest our hope on right now. Nothing frame of reference. That's tough. Really tough. But, we'll get through it. Someday my phone will ring!!! This I know!!

For now, I'm trying to adjust my attitude towards China. I'm trying to be respectful of a culture I truly don't understand. I don't want to get into a habit of bad mouthing my daughter's country of origin just because my western way of thinking doesn't jive with theirs. That's not OK. The fact of the matter is, the day will come when I will be eternally grateful to the country of China for allowing me the privilege of parenting one of their own. Someday "she" will be ours, but for now "she" is theirs. They have to do what they feel is in her best interest and I have to respect that and patiently wait for that job to be handed over to me.

I guess I'll just sit back and do some "people watching" with regards to China. Just sit and stare and wonder "what the heck they are thinking??!!" (But in a kind, respectful way, of course).


S.Wise said...

Hi there. I'm still here waiting right along side you! Did you see that someone's agency in Europe posted a referral cut off today on their website? Hmmm. Curious.

Anyways, you are doing just fine. It is hard not to get a little jaded while waiting. You are doing an amazing job keeping it together right now... this is NOT easy.

One day the gratefulness will overflow with ease... one day....

Kayce said...

Waiting with you! I'm so thankful that this week I don't have time to think about it much because last week just about put me under! You are next Mary and I can not wait for the day you share with us your daughters beautiful face. Hugs hugs hugs!

My crazy crazy life said...

Look at Scott, you love him right? He's a direct descendant from someone from China and look how great he turned out..ha! Hang in there girlie!!! Sooooooo close!!!!!

Leigh said...

I love the picture of the baby in the pillow. Cute!

I admire you for your patience. Hang tight... hopefully it won't be too much longer.

Suz said...

Look out your window, I think those are the clouds of change rollin' in! Hang in there amiga. I like your positive outlook on the week, gonna steal it if that's ok. Lots of hugs!

Anonymous said...

Isn't China the place that makes decisions based upon fortune cookies?

4D said...

Fingers crossed for news this week!!

Keep smilin!