Rumors start trickling in last night that referrals were on there way. This morning, Europe, Spain and even a few U.S. agencies are confirming that the referrals have been sent. There is even 1 report from Europe that someone received their "call" today!!
Do I dare get excited??!! I've got my phone charged, and my list of questions ready to go. 1 copy of the questions is on my desk in the office, another in the car! I pulled a bottle of champagne out of the wine bar and put it in the fridge! I figure...if we get the call then we'll open it to celebrate....if we don't, we'll open it anyway because I'll probably need it to help me sleep tonight!!!
It is really happening. I can hardly wait. I am not going to call you, I don't want to tie up your phone or run down your battery.
I think it is Mary!!! Oooo what a wonderful news!! Much needed for all of us in March! I can not wait to hear all about your Sugarplum!!!
IT IS HAPPENING. IT REALLY IS. It's just a matter of hours now... then minutes... then.... baby girl will be in your sights. Lump in my throat!
I'm soo excited!!! Call me when you can think straight and fill me in!!! :)
Oh, and you never know, we may end up traveling together afterall. Our travel has been put on hold until further notice due to the swine flu. I haven't had time to post anything because I've been working all day and classes at night this week.
Call me!!!! woohoo!!! Let the Champagne roll!! :)
awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww, so excited, my stomach is in knots!!! How can you handle it...I think I'm going to throw up.
P.S. I'm also a little sad because they played that exact song with the hawaiian guy at my g-ma's funeral. ;( But I love that song!!!
EEEEEEEEE! I can hardly stand it! The anticipation is killing me. THE CALL is coming very soon!! I am so happy for you guys! Can't wait to see your daughters sweet little face:)Tears stinging my eyes...
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