I just received notification from our agency that referrals have arrived for the month of March! ANOTHER 8 DAY BATCH!!! It seems almost silly to rejoice over an 8 day batch, but given what the CCAA has been able to do recently, it's an improvement...a step in the right direction. I'm still hoping to get one, maybe two, 10 batches here in the next few months! It would make a huge difference in our wait time.
The other things about this batch of referrals that I feel like shouting from my rooftop is that...."THEY ARE FINALLY MATCHING 2006 FAMILIES"!!!! I can't believe it. Our year is officially in the works. I'm so thrilled! With so little to rejoice over, with regards to the adoption, this past year this is making me so totally excited!
Below is the announcement from our agency:
Document Processing
The CCAA has finished the review of the adoption application documentsregistered with our office before October 31, 2006. The CCAA has finished the placement of children for the families whoseadoption application documents were registered with our office beforeJanuary 04, 2006. This group of referrals covered the 12/28/05 through 1/4/06 log indates. Unfortunately, Children's Hope did not have any log in datesduring this period, so we did not receive any referrals or Chinese expedited referrals. Our next log in dates are 1/6/06, 1/13/06 and1/16/06.
Congratulations to all the families who are seeing their child's face for the first time!!!
HIP HIP HURRAY!!!!! I am so flippin excited over this!
NO matter what the RQ says, I'm excited! I'll take an 8 day batch!!! I am even MORE excited that we are in 2006.... it felt like our year would never get here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Woo hoo!!
2006 FAMILIES!!! I am so thrilled for you. I was so happy to hear you call with good adoption news. These 8 day batches need to keep coming!
Yippeee!!! It's OUR year finally! ;)
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