Well, yesterday was our two year LID anniversary. It's hard to believe it's been that long since we were told we were officially logged into the program with the CCAA. In some ways it hasn't felt like two years, and in some ways it feels like we've been doing this forever. When I look back and see how far we've come, I realize that this last leg of the wait will be over before we know it as well.
We celebrated by gathering with our family at the Chinese Cultural Center. Sadly, Doug wasn't feeling well and had to leave dinner early, but the rest of us enjoyed ourselves. We ate at the Golden Buddha (pictured above) and then walked through the Asian grocery store. I'm always so grateful for the support of my family. They are so excited about the adoption. At times I think the wait is almost harder on them than on us. It's nice to know our little sugarplum is loved already!
Thanks for celebrating with us everyone! And, thanks for the balloons...who knows, maybe one of them will float it's way to China (at least that's what Benji was hoping)
Happy 2 Mary! Saying that just sounds weird!!
Keep the faith
We are getting closer!!! It's a downhill slope from here.. Happy 2!!!
I'm really sad I missed this one. But, I'm happy to hear that we are finally in 2006 for log in dates!
I love you guys and miss you a lot!
I never thought about the balloon going all the way to China. We should have had the boys write notes and send them away with a little hope that it may reach China. Benji may be the only one to believe that. I can't believe it's been 2 years! It will be so exciting to take our Little Sugarplum back to the Golden Budda and share this story.
Hi Mary-
2 years is such a long time to wait! I notice you changed your ticker on the Blog to years, with 10 as the maximum! Let's hope it doesn't take that long!!
Now that I've had my baby, the pregnancy seems like a very distant memory, even though it was only 3 weeks ago! Hopefully once your little girl arrives this wait will also seem like ancient history-
Love, Margaret
Axl always talks about his balloon going up with the stars every time we go outside at night and looks up at the stars
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