I felt just like this little girl today. I went shopping for my sister Sarah's babyshower gift with my girlfriend Leigh. We went to this botique on the west side of town called "Daniella Jay" and OMG let me tell how cute the clothes were. They have all these beautiful hand made dresses and little outfits, bathing suits, shoes, hair accessories....I was dying. Sarah is having a girl...very, very soon and the excitement is just about killing me. I can not wait to meet this little person. I'm hoping she'll have dark hair, just like her mommy. Her dad seems to think she'll be a blonde like her older brother. But, what do men know?! Oh yeah, blue eyes...I want her to have blue eyes. Blue eyes and brown hair...that's my official "order". And, for what it's worth, another Sunday afternoon birth would be great! Sarah's first baby was born just after 6 PM on a Sunday! You can't beat that. She called me around noon to tell me she thought she was in labor, she came to my house, we were here for a little while, then we headed down to the hospital around 3:00 and Axl was born just after 6.
So here's my "order"...brown hair, blue eyes, healthy, Sunday afternoon delivery! Although, if she's a blonde hair, brown eyed, born at 3 in the morning baby...I'll still love her to death.
Hi Mary-
I went baby clothes shopping myself yesterday for my soon-to-arrive little one, and it was so much fun! I've been buying supplies and necessities for the baby, but I hadn't actually bought any clothes. At the Carter's outlet store I noticed the baby girl section is about twice as large as the baby boy section! And I hope my labor goes like Sarah's with Axl, 6 hours sounds fine to me!!
Enjoy the shower!
Love, Margaret
I am going to have to check this place out! I am going to be an aunt again in June and clearly need some fabulous goodies for the new niece (and maybe some more for the niece that's named after me!) I love being an aunt!!! Of course, I think being a mom will be fun too, but I'll take what I can get now! Have a great weekend!
Mary the dress you got was SO CUTE! I can't wait until we can take both our (Your's and Sarah's, not mine) on an afternoon of shopping! I had so much fun shopping with you later that day at the mall.
Little girls are so cute! I bought my wife little felt booties and couldn't help but show them to everyone in the office.
Isn't it amazing, too, how we can already envisage them? What they look like, and their personalities? I guess this is why parental love is so strong!
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