This month marked the 18th anniversary of our log in date. My sisters, Norah and Sarah, decided the three of us should celebrate by having a night on the town. We decided to head on over to the west side of town and try out a wine and chocolate bar that my friend Mardi (another adoptive mom who just so happens to be logged in the same month as we are and is using our same agency) had told me about named Sweet O.
I had told the girls that I had something special to show them that night, but wouldn't tell them what it was. The week before I had ordered a print from my friend Stephanie who is an artist up in Washington. She is also an adoptive mom who is logged in the same month as we are and is also using the same agency. She makes beautiful art work and I'm sure I will be getting more of her pieces as time goes on, but this piece in particular held special meaning to me (details to come later...when I'm ready to share). Please visit Stephanie's blog when you have a chance and admire her talent.
Anyway, the print was due to be delivered some time Friday (the night we were going out). The girls arrived at my house and we were ready to head out for the evening, but the I didn't have the package. I was so bummed. We got in the car and drove down the street to the corner gas station. I broke the news to the girls that I wouldn't be able to show them my "something special" because the UPS driver hadn't delivered it yet. I had just finished pumping gas when Norah noticed a UPS truck driving from the direction of my house. We drove back to the house to see if my package had been delivered. Doug knows I'm crazy so he wasn't the least bit surprised to see me come back home after only having been gone 5 minutes to check on my delivery. However, it wasn't there. So we headed out again. We had just turned the corner when wouldn't you know it....another UPS truck. Norah was bound and determined to see what it was I had to show them, so she made me make a u-turn and literally chase the truck down. Which, of course, I did. It was like a scene from Charlie's Angels...OK, not really, but we were having fun. I caught up with the UPS driver just a few short blocks from my house, jumped out (probably scaring him to death) and asked if he happened to have a package for my address. And guess what....HE DID!! He let me sign for it right then and there!! It was quite the exciting start to our evening. If you look in the picture of Norah and myself you can see me holding my print.
Thank you girls for the fun night out and for being such never ending sources of support and love during this seemingly endless wait. I love you both so much!!
You look so happy in these pictures. Where was the "Hong Kong" sign you were under? You'll have to make that a marker in your pictures from time to time--go back there periodically to celebrate the next step foward. I hope I'm down the next time and get to celebrate something about my grand-daughter with you. It makes the wait a little less sad to rejoice over any progress.
How much fun!!! I want to go to Sweet O!! I'm glad you guys have your sisters to have so much fun waiting with!! :) (P.S. - I'm in California!! :) ) I can't wait to see your room w/ the print!!!
Sounds like an exciting evening! You 3 are so lucky to be so close (geographically) to each other, I miss my sisters so much and wish I could be closer to them during my pregnancy. It must make waiting a little bit easier!
I can just see you chasing down the UPS guy. I know how you feel, I left work early on the days that my Jinkin kids prints arrived. I was so excited to see them. Which one did you get?!?
I'm with Margaret- you girls are so lucky that you live so close to each other and can be there to celebrate and support each other in person. It sounds like a great night! And those prints are wonderful! I told Harald that now I want to order one for our nursey too!
I was typing fast and realize I said "you guys have your sisters to have so much fun waiting with" What a dork I am. Can you tell I was doing 10 things at one time? :)
What I MEANT to say was... I'm glad you had fun and I am so glad you have your sisters to help you chase UPS trucks!!
Mom - The Hong Kong sign was outside of the restaurant we ate at. The next celebration for me will be when China finishes matching the November families...let's hope it's with the next batch.
Terri - The print is top secret (just kidding...I'll call you later)
Cecilia and Margaret (& Emily)- I am very grateful to have my sisters so close...we never take it for granted!
That was a great night. I had so much fun. We get together often but always have the kids (whom we love and adore). It's nice to go out with just us girls! The whole night was full of laughs (most we can't add to the blog). I would hunt down a UPS truck anytime for you. God help the FedEx driver who delivers your referral package! Love you!
I forget to say.....I love your print it was beautiful. It will fit in just right. You made a wonderful choice. Thank you for sharing it with us first.
This is the first blog I have ever looked at. Thank you for flying all the way up to Washington to show me how to blog
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