I don't remember telling Jacob it was OK for him to turn eleven, but he did it anyway. It is so crazy how fast kids grow up. TWO more years and he'll be teenager!!! Give me strength!
I tend to be very emotional this time of year. When I think back on the events surrounding Jacob's birth, I'm always amazed that we were all able to make it through. It was such a bitter sweet time in our life. On one hand, we were thrilled to have this "perfect" little baby boy, and on the other we were in complete distress dealing with all horrifying things that go along with prematurity.
But, look at him now!! Jacob is one healthy, active boy. And, when I say boy....I mean it. He's into skateboarding, boogie boarding, riding his scooter, roller blading, basketball, swimming, gymnastic, riding his bike (usually off a ramp of some kind), jumping on the trampoline (and giving every mom in sight a heart attack with his tricks)....you name, he does it!
We are very proud of Jacob!!
Here's hoping he'll still be 11 when his sister comes home. He was only 8 years old when we started our adoption journey...how crazy it that?!
ELEVEN!!! He really is all boy! This family needs a girl. I am thankful it will be you that brings her into our lives. I am not sure I could hand all the ups and downs that you like you have/will have to to get her here.
Does he know it is 110 degrees out! What's with the long sleeves? And where is his helmet? I'm telling Dr. Setelo.
Happy Birthday Jacob!
Happy birthday to your kiddo!
Happy birthday to one sweet boy..I mean young man! :)
Tell Jacob "Im sorry" I absolutely was planning on calling him on his birthday and cant believe it slipped my mind (even after talking to Norah that day about it). Well it wouldn't be a Baby Schneider if it didn't come into this world in some dramatic fashion, so Im sure Baby Girl Schneider will cause quite a stir when her big day arrives.
I only hope Axl is as skilled at defying death on the scooter as Jacob.
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