My friend Terri organized a hat swap for some of the March waiting families. Everyone who joined in got to buy a hat for another waiting family and mail it to them. The family we got to buy for is right here in Phoenix.
I made Doug and the boys come with me to the mall to pick out the hat. They all three knew better than to complain too much....anything to keep Mom from being sad about the adoption. We ended up having a great time shopping. The three of them are worse than me when it comes to getting excited over little girl clothes. Our sugarplum is going to be so spoiled!!!
I've included the picture of the hat and the card that we received in the mail!! We can't wait to have a little face peeking out from underneath it!!
OK, where is a pictures of you closet I worked so hard on while you were gone for Tim's wedding? That was agony for me to wait to give you all the clothes I had been saving until you were in the matching room
Ooopps I'll get it on there. How did I forget that?!
The hat thing is a cute idea. When you all have your babies you need to get together for a pictue. These babies and so lucky to have mommies that love then so much.
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