Rumors have been flying around as to whether or not the 2008 Olympics being held in Beijing will effect adoption. Some fear that referrals and travel approvals will come to a stand still during the games and others question whether it will have a negative effect at all. Our agency has been very hesitant to assume anything one way or the other. However, today we received an update from our China Program Director that was very encouraging.
Here it is:
Melody Zhang, our Associate Director, had a very open conversationwith top leaders at the CCAA this week on the matter of how the 2008Olympics may affect international adoption from China. The CCAAdoes not believe the 2008 Olympic will affect international adoptionfrom China. The most likely thing to happen will be if the Chinesegovernment asks everyone in Beijing not to work for a while duringthe Olympics in Beijing. Then the CCAA workers will be just likeother workers who will not be working for a period of time. TheCCAA leaders said this will not effect adoption that much becausethe CCAA will just pick up the work the next month and finish bothmonths' assignments. Another affect might be that families whoreceive their referrals during the Olympics or just before theOlympics may not be able to get flights, hotels, etc. easily. TheCCAA probably will extend the effective period for travel approvalsfrom three months to a longer period.
Ann Tollefson
China Program Director
The opening games start in August, only eight months from now. Whatever happens with the Olympics will effect our adoption since we won't be traveling before August. So, news like this is good to hear. It sounds like the CCAA will be doing whatever they can to keep things moving along during the games.