I can't go to sleep, so I thought I'd blog. My sister-in-law, Jacque, who's home I just left 3 days ago has just been admitted to the hospital. She's due to deliver her first child on November 2. Her husband, Dan, is in China on business. Jacque started throwing up this morning..by this afternoon she was so ill she called her mother-in-law to come over. When she arrived at Jacque's home she knew right away she needed to get her to the hospital. It's taken most of the evening for them to determine that Jacque is having an acute appendicitis attack. Her O.B. is located 2 1/2 hours away, so they are transporting Jacque, as I type, to that location. They are going to operate on her once she arrives. The big question is whether or not the baby will be delivered as well.
I was able to get a hold of Dan, via Skype, and inform him of what is going on. He's in a town about 1 1/2 hours from Guangzhou. He was able to speak with Jacque about an hour ago and is currently on the road to Guangzhou to try to make arrangements to get home as quickly as possible. He was due to be home on Sunday. The sad thing is....he won't make the delivery no matter how soon he gets on a plane. My heart is breaking for both of them right now.
The most important thing is that Jacque and the baby get the medical attention they need....no matter who is there, but it's hard not to feel total frustration right now. Why couldn't this of happened 5 days from now when Dan is home. Why couldn't it of happened 3 days ago while Cori and I were there. What is the likelihood that it would happen when none of us can get to her???!!! Aaaaggghhh!!
My mother-in-law is leaving on the first flight in the morning. My sister-in-law, Cori, may be going with her. Right now Jacque has her mother-in-law with her...thank god.
I'll be praying tonight...that's for sure. I just hope this ambulance ride goes well. I doubt they would of even try to move her if there was a risk of her appendix rupturing. I'm glad, that they are trying to get her transported. The local hospital that she is at doesn't have any OB's at all. Only mid-wives.
I'll post more info in the morning when I know more. Right now I'm going to go read (or at least try to) and wait for my phone to ring letting me know they made it to the new hospital safe and sound.